8 Signs People Might Be Taking You for Granted

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If you always give 100% be it in love, friendships, or work but find yourself getting way less than what you truly deserve, it might be time to review your relationships. The feeling of being underappreciated can lead to stress and bring you down by messing up your daily life.

we found 8 signs that will help you identify whether or not you’re being taken for granted by others.

1. You feel a need to point out your qualities.

8 Signs People Might Be Taking You for Granted

When people feel insecure, they tend to point out their good qualities in order to remind themselves of their worth. Sharing your stories or experiences with others brings others closer to you, which may be why you feel the need to talk about yourself.

2. You’d rather have someone say “I love you” with their actions.

8 Signs People Might Be Taking You for Granted

If every time someone tells you that they love you, you find yourself wishing for their words to match their actions, chances are you’re being taken for granted. Their words seem empty to you and you’d prefer it if they’d make you feel wanted instead.

3. You’re made to feel that your goals are not that important.

8 Signs People Might Be Taking You for Granted

If your partner’s dreams are everything and yours rarely bear any significance, it’s not a good sign. This generally happens when the other person is insecure or only cares about themselves. They fear your goal might change you so they start discouraging you for selfish reasons.

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